Saturday, April 12, 2008

Election Update from Kathmandu

Yeah, after that first result in Kathmandu things got turned on it's head. There is a revolution going on here - fortunately a quiet one. The moaists are in the lead by far - with almost 60% of the seats and then UML with about 20% and NC with about 12%. The results are still coming in but there is a clear trend - the old established folks are being kicked out and new 'no bodies' are in their place. I think there were about 6 constituencies that had to cancel their election due to bad behaviour - burning ballot boxes etc. but everything went very smoothly everywhere else. Things were peaceful and well managed in all the stations I visited in Biratnagar, which seems to have been the case in most places. Here's a weblink if you'd like to keep up with the events here.

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