Children & Armed Conflict: Risk, Resilience & Mental Health
Tuesday December 8th at 12pm
National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Medicine
2100 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC US
Conference Information:
This is an international and multidisciplinary conference addressing the developmental and mental health needs of children in conflict-affected settings.
The conference highlights the complex interaction between risk factors, psychopathology and mental health with resilience as an important moderator.
Traumas associated with armed conflict, deprivations, displacement, and related losses increase children’s risk of developing mental health difficulties. However, children have great potential for resilience. The international community has the responsibility to foster their strengths and help them outgrow the impact of war.
Screening Information:
“Returned: Child Soldiers of Nepal’s Maoist Army” will be presented by the filmmakers Robert Koenig & Brandon Kohrt on Tuesday December 8th, 2009 at 12:00 - 12:45pm. The film will be presented during the second part of the conference that focuses on characterization and experiences with children traumatized by armed conflict, including a special section on child soldiers.
Other Information:
The specific goals and objectives of the conference are:
- Provide a forum for dialogue and interaction
- Consider the current evidence base for programming
- Highlight issues of concern
- Discuss and develop specific initiatives of mutual interest
Venue and Date:
The conference convenes December 7-9, 2009 in the Auditorium of the Institute of Medicine - National Academy of Sciences at 2100 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418.
This conference interests a broad audience including: academics, children’s advocates, human rights, and post-conflict development groups/organizations, government officials, military personnel, mental health professionals, researchers and policy makers.
Registration Fee:
A $75.00 registration fee will be charged to cover cost of food, materials and administration.
For more information go to the Children & Armed Conflict: Risk, Resilience & Mental Health conference brochure or the registration page online.